“Know this: Good stuff will happen in your life. Bad stuff will happen in your life. The more lightly you hold your expectations for the future, the more likely your hands will be free to accept the good and do the hard work of dealing with the bad. Humility in the face of the unknown will keep you open to solutions you may never have considered in the face of situations you could never have imagined.” – an excerpt from “Myth Management for Beginners”, Childbearing Society Newsletter, March 2015.
I’m pleased to share the link to an article I wrote for the Childbearing Society on the subject of myths, published online this week. It was a pleasure to draw from my years of experience as a doula and link it to my awe for the power of story telling. Though the focus audience for the article is new parents, there’s something there for anyone who’s ever felt bewildered in the face of the unknown. I hope you enjoy it!
You can read the whole article here.