The Art of Seeing workshops are designed to inspire a spirit of discovery and creativity. As a workshop facilitator, I get to encourage people of all ages and walks of life to take a second look at the world around them, to trust their instinct and curiosity to take them deeper, and to express what they see and feel with images that are both beautiful and personally meaningful. Take a look at the workshops listed below or contact me to explore how I can fine-tune an Art of Seeing workshop to suit your particular context.
In the world of blogs and social media, writing is no longer only about words. Increasingly, writers are expected to include visuals of all sorts to engage the interest of often fickle internet surfers, and it’s not enough to post a cellphone selfie every other day. This workshop includes a brainstorm session for participants to figure out exactly what sort of images best complement their work, and tips for creating these images. I also give tips on navigating the world of stock photography and on how to respect your fellow artists when using copyrighted images.
“I got out my little Canon Powershot today and it made me think of you – I took your workshop at the conference in October and found it so inspiring! … I hope you return to the conference. Your workshop was one of my favourites.” – Roxanne—Workshop Participant
Before your next trip, learn how the Art of Seeing can take the experience of traveling to a whole new level. By taking the time to develop your skills of observation, reflection, and photographic journaling, not only will your journey become more personal and vivid, you’ll come home with photos that tell your story, your way.
“On my recent trip to Venice I came home with photos that don’t just remind me of what I did but also evoke the music, artistry, magic, romance, emotion and tone of my time there. These photos conjure up a whole story of sights, sounds, feelings, people, and experience.” -Maria—Workshop Participant
Explore how to use photography as a contemplative spiritual practice. Learn how the Art of Seeing can help you slow down, find refreshment in the beauty of the every day, and give expression to feelings beyond words. Let your eyes feed your soul.
“Your workshop was the real start of my fascination with capturing an image that goes ‘beyond the lens’. I’ve even started drawing again, which gives me so much joy.” -Adrienne—Workshop Participant
You hear it again and again: “Show, don’t tell.” Bring the Art of Seeing into your craft as a writer by enhancing your skills of observation, reflection, description, and evaluation. Develop your visual voice and take your readers where you want them to go.
“An excellent workshop. I loved the format and the interactive exercises.” “The presenter came prepared and the workshop was interactive and engaged the senses in a compelling way.” “Seeing how I feel in different situations opened up my eyes to how to realistically figure out how my characters would react physically.” -Comments taken from “Finding Your Visual Voice” workshop evaluations
As a stand-alone session or as an integrated component of ongoing curriculum, the Art of Seeing workshops are designed to give students the skills they need to explore visual data with discerning eyes, use images to express both concrete and abstract ideas, and observe and reflect on their lived experience as the starting point for self-guided inquiry.
“The passion, generosity, and talent that Sandra brought to our classroom inspired all of us to new heights of creative expression. Student work came alive with meaning. I heartily recommend her.” -Misty—Classroom Teacher
For more information or to ask about a custom-designed workshop to meet your specific group or individual needs, click here.